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Magnetic Lifter Manufacturer in Libya

Magnetic Lifters are primarily utilized to pick steel plates, blocks, press moulds etc. and unload/load in system throughout managing process. They can hoist moving iron blocks and other magnetic material. They are easy to procedure and safe to handle and hence are broadly utilized as lifting tools in workshops, docks, storeroom and transportation industries. By using them, you can increase your working condition and increase your working productivity.

The magnetic lifter is construct with superb powerful neodymium magnets, which is utilized for lifting steel sheet, block, rod, cylindrical and other magnetic stuff. It needs no electricity, which is broadly utilized in the factory world for creating steel projects move more efficiently.

We are marked as the leading manufacturer and exporter of magnetic lifter. We offer different kinds of magnetic equipments with cost-effective prices. It is called lifting equipment due to is usage in various industrial plants to lift ferrous impurities from the flowing material. The recycling material possesses high volume of scrap iron tramp. In order to remove these contaminants and enhance product purity, different range of magnetic lifters is used depending upon the application.

Magnetic lifter Exporter in Libya

For effective functioning of the magnetic equipments, we used Neodymium magnetic powered systems are used.We use carbon steel and manganese steel for the construction of the lifters. To increase efficiency of lifters, it is provided with insulation.